Find Out The Ways On How To Effectively Remove Credit Inquiries
It is important for you to know by now that there are credit inquiries that should not be done, especially for unauthorized persons that is why we present to you this article containing all the things that you have to know regarding how to remove inquires fast. Yet, we will not proceed immediately on tackling about removing credit inquiries as we see the need for you to first know and understand what credit inquiries are and several things that surrounds it.
Speaking of credit inquiries, one thing that we want you to know about it is that they pertain to a record of any entities who may have viewed the credit reports intended for you and also, when was the viewing done. The one who is responsible for monitoring the viewing of credit reports are the credit reporting agencies and they are being required by the federal government to maintain and concise and precise report regarding this matter for twenty four months. With regards to credit inquiries, you should know as well that there are two types of them which are the soft inquiries (inquires that do not hurt the credit score of a person) and the hard inquiries (inquiries that causes damage to it).
In other words, when we say soft inquiries, we are actually referring to credit inquiries that are released through a court order or probably, from a request coming from an authorized sources who wants to grab hold a copy of the credit report that you have. In the contrary, hard inquiries are the type of credit inquiries that are mostly done by entities who have acceptable reasons on viewing your credit history like a prospective lender whom you are applying for either a loan, a financial assistance or a credit.
But then again, we want you to be aware of the fact that there are lenders out there who will seek to review your credit report even without a valid reason at all and without you giving them the access to do so. In order for you to protect the points on your credit score from being taken away from you, we will present here in this article some fast inquiry removal schemes that will help you with your cause.
What you should do first is to send them a letter that contains a request for them to show you proofs that you granted them access of your credit report. Once they cannot give you the proof you asked them for, you must ask them to send a letter stating the their inquiry was made erroneously and if they cannot do this, you may sue them for violating the FCRA.
Check out inquiries removal video online to know more about this.
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